Friday 28 February 2014

Lowongan Pekerjaan dengan Gaji Fantastis (Orientasi di Bidang Motor dan Mobil)

Contac Person/phone : 085236815566 / 0341-464019

Jl. Diponogoro 128 A Karangploso Kab. Malang. KP : 65152

A. Latar Belakang
Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) memang marak di prioritaskan pemerintah. Hal ini karena pemerintah menginginkan pendokrakan kualitas produk dalam negeri. Sayang apabila anak didik kita yang sudah kita beri pendidikan dan pengalaman selama bertahun-tahun lalu kemudian hasil bibit unggulnya di rekrut negara lain ke luar negeri. Bila ini di biarkan meniscayakan kesuraman produk masa depan Indonesia yang berimplikasi pada status ekonomi dan tidak mampu berdaya saing global. Berdasarkan pandangan analisis ini, maka kami SMK MADANI (MAsa DepAn INdonesIa) melalui DEPNAKER bekerjasa sama dengan PT Astra yang di dukung Oleh PT. Jepang yang bertempat di Jakrta (Bekasi dan Cikarang) dan berorientasi pada pembuatan Sepeda Motor dan Mobil, Membuka Lowongan Pekerjaan bagi lulusan SMK pada khususnya dan SMA jurusan IPA pada umumnya. Setiap tahunnya selama tiga tahun kedepan kami akan merekrut tenaga kerja secara besar-besaran dengan gaji besar pula dengan total gaji/upah berkisar lima jutaan.

B. Persyaratan Adminitrasi/Dokumen Calon Karyawan

            Adapun syarat administrasi yang harus di penuhi :
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C. Spec/Persyaratan Calon Karyawan

1.     Usia 18 s/d 22 Tahun
2.     Lulus SMK (STM), dengan jurusan :
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Demikian Spec atau Persyaratan yang diminta oleh perusahaan agar bisa di penuhi oleh setiap calon karyawan.

D. Gaji dan Fasilitas yang Diberikan untuk Karyawan
Ø Gaji Pokok Sesuai UMK (UMK Kab. Bekasi) Rp. 2.814.562,00
Ø Uang Transport

NB. Ketentuan lebih jelas silahkan di menghubungi ke nomer telpon (08523681566)

Sunday 21 April 2013

In the Treatment of Islam: Honey Benefits

Million Efficacy and Benefits of Honey for Health 

Efficacy and benefits of honey for health is not a secret anymore. Since ancient times honey is one of the natural products that have immense benefits, especially for health.But can be used as a medicine, honey is also used as a natural sweetener in delivering various types of food and beverages. 
Before speaking further benefits of honey it helps us little about honey. Honey is a viscous liquid that resembles syrup tastes sweet and distinctive aroma. Honey is produced by bees from the nectar of flowers or nectar. But not all can produce honey bee, apis dorsata only bee species are most effective. 


Honey itself is dominated by sugar and some other compounds. That's what causes the honey is sweet. Of all the compounds contained therein, honey itself is dominated by compounds fructose (38%) and fructose (31%), and other little sweet compounds sucrose (5%). 

In addition to some of the above compounds, based on laboratory test results turned out honey also contains antioxidants and a little vitamin c. Because it is dominated by sugar, so diabetics are not recommended to consume large quantities of honey. 

Benefits of Honey for Health 
1. Honey can keep the body moisture 
2. Launched urination 
3. Help remove phlegm 
4. Whiten teeth 
5. Nourish hair 
6. Keeping your metabolism 
According to the international journal world, the benefits of honey can work well in treating wounds. Ranging from minor injuries to serious injuries such as burns can be cured with honey. Osmolarity of honey has proven to reduce inflammation and make the wound became dry faster.

Mother love

Mother love

There are times when only a Mother's love
Can understand our tears,

Can soothe us when we are disappointed
and calm all our fears.

There are times when only a Mother's love
Can share the joy we feel

When something we've dreamed
Suddenly it was real.

There are times when only a Mother's faith
Can help us on the road of life

And inspire our confidence
We need from day to day.

Because the heart of a Mother and a Mother's faith
And a Mother's steadfast love

Is like angel
And God sent from above.

Sunday 7 April 2013

Mendalami Spiritual Qouetiont (1)

Definisi Operasional Spiritual Qoutiont
Untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang jelas tentang arah penelitian skripsi ini, maka peneliti akan menjelaskan terlebih dahulu kata kunci yang terdapat dalam pembahasan ini, sekaligus penggunaannya secara operasional. Pertama, adalah kata “spiritual qoutient (kecerdasan spiritual)”, dan kedua adalah kata “Insan kamil”, dalam hal ini pembahasannya lebih ditekankan dan diarahkan pada kecerdasan jiwa dan hati supaya ada sinergitas yang relevan dan lebih spesifik, sesuai pokok pembahasan, yaitu masalah latihan rohani dan pendakian jiwa membentuk insan kamil.
      Secara bahasa Spiritual Qoutient terdiri dari dua kata, yaitu:
1.            Spiritual = murni, rohani, jiwa.
2.            Quetient = kecerdasan, kemampuan
Begitu pula insan kamil, secara bahasa terdiri dari dua kata, yaitu:
1.            Insan =  manusia secara sifat rohani
2.            Kamil = sempurna (baca: kesempurnaan jiwa dan kepribadian)
Kecerdasan adalah kapasitas umum dari seorang individu yang dpat dilihat pada kesanggupan pikirannya dalam mengatasi problem dan memenuhi tuntutan kebutuhan-kebutuhan baru dalam kehidupan[1]. Sedangkan kata spiritual memiliki akar kata spirit yang berarti murni[2]. Spiritual berbicara tentang kondisi kejiwaan, rohani, batin, mental dan moral[3]
Kecerdasan spiritual (spiritual quotien) adalah kecerdasan digunakan untuk mengakses makna yang dalam.nilai-nilai fundamental,dan kesadaran akan adanya tujuan yang abadi dalam hidup kita dan peran yang dimainkan oleh nilai dan tujuan ini dalam hidup.Strategi dan proses berpikir kita (Danah Zohar dan Ian Marshall : 2003)

Menjadi Manusia Sempurna/Insan Kamil dalam Islam

Menjadi Manusia Sempurna/Insan Kamil dalam Islam (1)
Sedangakan yang dimaksud adalah sebagaimana yang diungkapkan oleh Ibnu ‘Arabi dan Al-Jili, yaitu manusia yang memiliki indikator sperti sifat para rasul (shiddiq, amanah, tabligh dan fathonah). Adapun yang dimaksud semua aspek disini yaitu mencakup jasmani, akal, dan hati[1].

Kalau ditilik lebih jauh, keempat sifat wajib nabi dan rasul ini akar yang mencakup dimensi-dimensi jasmani, akal dan hati. Yakni, pertama Shiddiq, bermakna orang yang selalu berprilaku jujur dan selalu mensoisialisasikan kejujuran dalam langkah-langkah hidup yang di tempuh. Karena memang, kejujuran dapat mempermudah urusan dunia dan akhirat.  Kedua Amanah, artinya dapat dipercaya karena telah terbukti memiliki akuntabilitas dan kredibilitas yang mumpuni dan teruji. Dari sifat amanah ini berimplikasi pada adanya pakem loyalitas tinggi yang melahirkan kesatabilan dan balance (keseimbangan) system yang ada. Ketiga Tabligh, yaitu proses penyampaian hakikat kebenaran dan realita yang rill yang didasarkan pada ranah keilmuan. Proses ini intinya adalah proses eksistensi kemaslahatan umat manusia, terjadi recycle (perputaran) pengkaderan bibit unggul membangun sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang berkualitas dan berperadaban lebih baik. Keempat Fathonah, adalah pembentukan aspek Kognitif, Afektif dan Psikomotorik yang tidak bisa dihindari bagi orang yang akan menjadi pemimpin. Agar kepemimpin yang di bangun menjadi harmonis dan maju. Karena setiap orang adalah pemimpin.  
A.    Rumusan Masalah
      Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas, maka fokus masalah yang akan di  bahas dalam penelitian skripsi ini sebagai berikut :
1.      Bagaimanakah paradigma Spiritual Quotient (SQ) pada manusia?
2.      Bagaimanakah paradigma insan kamil?
3.      Bagaimanakah paradigma Spiritual Quotient (SQ) dalam membentuk insan kamil?

C.  Tujuan dan Manfaat Penelitian
       Tujuan penelitian skripsi ini terbagi menjadi dua bagaian, yaitu tujuan umum dan khusus. Tujuan umumnya adalah mengungkapkan Spiritual Quotient sebagai khazanah pemikiran Islam dalam konteks pendidikan rohani yang kemudian akan dijadikan sebagai upaya membentuk insan kamil. Sedangkan tujuannya secara khusus adalah sebagai berikut :
1.      Untuk mendeskripsikan Spiritual Quotient pada manusia
2.      Untuk mendeskripsikan paradigma insan kamil
3.      Untuk mendeskripsikan paradigma Spiritual Quotient (SQ) sebagai upaya untuk membangun dan membentuk jiwa dan kepribadiaan Insan Kamil?
Adapun manfaat yang diharapkan dari peneliti terkait dengan penelitian skripsi ini, antara lain adalah:
1.      Memberikan sumbangsih pemikiran terhadap dunia pendidikan terutama yang berkaitan dengan upaya pengembangan pendidikan Islam yang berwawasan Spiritual Quotient sebagai upaya pencarian sekaligus penanaman nilai dan makna yang lebih kaya dan luas dalam kehidupan manusia. Agar pendidikan benar-benar menemukan keotientikan dan fungsinya untuk membangun manusia seutuhnya.
2.      Sebagai bahan referensi untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan sekaligus sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang berwawasan intelektual dan kedalaman spiritual. Karena memang, pada hakekatnya pendidikan di rancang untuk mengembangkan potensi yang dimiliki manusia secara keseluruhan, baik potensi badaniyah/jismiyah terlebih potensi ruhaniyah yang belakangan ini jarang diperhatikan oleh kaum akademis.
3.      Memberikan pemikiran sumbangsih kepada masyarakat luas, berupa informasi dan gagasan baru tentang pendidikan Islam dan kiprahnya dalam membangun jiwa (animus) teisme-humanis dalam upaya pencarian hakikat makna dan nilai kehidupan yang sejati dari manusia paripurna.

Saturday 6 April 2013

My Notes 6 : Spiritual Paradigm Qoutient (SQ) in Shaping the Perfect Man


The word al-insan not mean Bechar only and not also in the sense of al-ins. In the use of the Qur'an, al-insan implies mukalaf creature (creation of God burdened by responsibility) mandate bearer caliph of Allah and Allah on earth.
Al-Insan in this sense is found in 65 places in the Qur'an. The above explanation shows the features and characteristics of human beings in terms of al-insan. In the first verse revealed to Allah's Apostle Allah SAW, namely surah al-'Alaq, there are three mentions of al-insan, namely: (1) which tells us that man was created from' alaq (blood clot), (2) people say have the privilege, namely science, and (3) Allah describes that man with all its privileges have exceeded since have been satisfied with what he had.
People often forget the creator. Passages relating to human creation can be seen in Surah at-Tariq verses 5-8, surah 'Abasa verses 17-22, Sura al-Insan verses 2-3, verses 77-79 Surah Yasin, Surah al-Qiyamah paragraph 37-40, and surah al-Kahf verse 37. Such texts illustrate that humans are very weak and despised, was himself satisfied, tends to forget its creator when he received favors and disasters. It can also be seen in Surah an-Nahl verse 4, which describes the human as makhlu debater; surah an-Nisa 'verse 28, which states that human beings are weak, and surah al-Infitar verses 6-8, which describe the human as someone who influenced ileh something so forget the Lord.
Therefore human understanding as the description above with the perfect man will always unidirectional pemaknaanya. It's just the perfect man over apresesasi and interpresatsinya in building "strong human personality in accordance with the norms and codes of conduct set out his Lord (vertical), human (horizontal), and the environment (diagonal)".
In literal meaning (textual) "Insan Kamil" the perfect man. "Insan" is derived from the Arabic word translated into Indonesian by humans. "Insan" with different meanings "Bechar" is also translated to humans. "Insan" means human in the sense that human beings have a spiritual dimension, while Bechar leads to man in the sense of the body (biological). Thus the 'perfect man' is the perfect man preformance spiritual sense. [1]
While daalam Sufism, 'perfect man' is also often referred to as' Kamal Rijal. "These are people who have the intellectual capacity and the rod high spiritual and consistent in all perbuatanya behavior and day-to-day. [2]
According to Murtaza Mutahhari Insan Kamil is a man who develops all the good qualities that secaara seimang. The quality may be kasoh love, intellect, courage, honesty or creativity. [3]
According to Al-Sayyid Muhammad Alwy maliky Insan Insan Kamil is a life and death for Allah alone, he manggambarkanya prophet Muhammad on the figure, where the majesty and greatness of the Prophet is the personality, character and extent of the nobility who handled bukam field sourced at fanatisna or position and property. [4]
It is not easy to reach the level of 'perfect man'. Since the number of dimensions that must be met by those who want to reach the level of perfection. So naturally if you just like the prophets of human choice / apostles who can achieve level 'perfect man'. Tetepi would not rule teraf man can achieve "perfect man" when trying earnestly. Ie do riyadlah (exercise) continuous and not familiar with the desperate run of worship and morals al-karimah to God, neighbor and self.
While in the Qur'an and hadith never aksplisit menelaskan about "perfect man". We just received information that human beings are created by God with the best form, as in the letter of At-Tin The letter described God created man in the best form. But most good shape can be turned into the most abject forms / low, if people are not able to preserve and mempertahakanya
In Islam human corridor is the "perfect man" is a man who in his life seantiasa work righteousness (doing good) based on the faith in God that manifests itself in the attitude of taqwa.

[1] Abu Ahamadi, methodical religious education, (Armico, 1986, p, 109)
[2] Mysticism Iteraktif 9senin, February 2, 2004.
[3] Ibid; Monday, February 2, 2004.
[4] Murdha Mutahhari, I man Perfect view of Islam About Human Nature

My Notes 5: Spiritual Paradigm Quatien the Perfect Human Form

My Notes 5: Spiritual Paradigm Quatien the Perfect Human Form

Before tread deeper, in fact when talking about the perfect man will not come off and attach to talk the man himself. According to Dr. Mahdy bin 'Abud man is a unit consisting of the elements of body, soul, mind, and spirit. Needed to be able to understand the science related to physical science as religion needs.
       There are three words in the Quran are interpreted as ordinary human beings, namely al-Bechar, an-nas, and al-ins or al-insan. However, when viewed in terms of language and explanation of the Qur'an itself, the word meaning three different mutual.
       Al-Bechar is a human picture of the material, which can be seen, eat something, walk, and brusaha to meet the needs in his life. Humans in these notions, among them 25 times to talk about the "humanity" of the apostles and prophets, verse 13 describes the polemics among the apostles and prophets with unbelievers whose contents reluctance disbelievers to what brought the apostles and prophet because according to the apostles that they are human beings like them as well, and a number of verses that contain the recognition that the apostles did it was the same man as other men.
       Allah says in Surah al-Anbiya 'verse 2-3 which means:
"Do not come to them a verse of the Qur'an was a new (derived) from their Lord, but they listen to it while they play around, (again) their hearts in a state of neglect. And they were wrongdoers conceal their private: 'This man is nothing but a Bechar (humans) like you (nevertheless), then whether you accept the magic that, when ye see? "(Surah Al-Anbiya: 2-3).

      Recognition apostle that he also can be seen in the human-surah al-Kahf verse 110 which means:
   "Say, verily I am only a man like you, who revealed to me: 'Behold Your God is One God it'. Whoever expects encounter with his Lord let him work righteous deeds, and let him not associate anyone in the worship of his Lord. "

       Human in the sense of Bechar DAPT also be seen among others in surah Ibrahim verse 10, Surah Hud verse 26, surah al-Mu'minun verses 24 and 33, sura al-Syu'ara 'verse 154, Sura Yasin verse 15, and surah al -Isra 'verse 93. In the hadith of Rasulallah SAW also found recognition of the "humanity" in pengetian Bechar.

Of the verses of the Qur'an mentioned above shows that the man in the sense of Bechar is human-nature sfat kemateriannya.
Man in the Qur'an is also called an-nas. An-nas said in the Quran there are as many as 240 times with a clear explanation refers to the type of Prophet Adam AS. For example, contained in sura al-Hujurat verse 13 which means:
"O mankind, We created you from a male and a female and made you a nation-state and tribes that ye may know each other. Verily the noblest among you in Allah's sight are the most pious among you. "(Surah Al-Hujarat: 13)

Humans are also often called al-ins or al-insan. The word al-insan al-ins and in pengertia language is the opposite of "wild animals". In the Qur'an, despite having the same root word, both words have the same root, both words have different meanings and have different privileges.
Said al-ins always opposed to the word al-jin (genie), a kind of spirit that is not a matter of life beyond the human realm. Bintu Syati (expert commentary and lecturer at the University Qurawiyyin in Morocco) said that the jinn are not to be understood as a scary shadow in the darkness of night, although the pronunciation al-jinn it basically means al-Khafa '(hidden), the creatures that live beyond nature that we see, behind the inhabited human nature, and is not subject to the natural law of human life.