The word al-insan not mean Bechar only and not also in the sense of al-ins. In the use of the Qur'an, al-insan implies mukalaf creature (creation of God burdened by responsibility) mandate bearer caliph of Allah and Allah on earth.
Al-Insan in this sense is found in 65 places in the Qur'an. The above explanation shows the features and characteristics of human beings in terms of al-insan. In the first verse revealed to Allah's Apostle Allah SAW, namely surah al-'Alaq, there are three mentions of al-insan, namely: (1) which tells us that man was created from' alaq (blood clot), (2) people say have the privilege, namely science, and (3) Allah describes that man with all its privileges have exceeded since have been satisfied with what he had.
People often forget the creator. Passages relating to human creation can be seen in Surah at-Tariq verses 5-8, surah 'Abasa verses 17-22, Sura al-Insan verses 2-3, verses 77-79 Surah Yasin, Surah al-Qiyamah paragraph 37-40, and surah al-Kahf verse 37. Such texts illustrate that humans are very weak and despised, was himself satisfied, tends to forget its creator when he received favors and disasters. It can also be seen in Surah an-Nahl verse 4, which describes the human as makhlu debater; surah an-Nisa 'verse 28, which states that human beings are weak, and surah al-Infitar verses 6-8, which describe the human as someone who influenced ileh something so forget the Lord.
Therefore human understanding as the description above with the perfect man will always unidirectional pemaknaanya. It's just the perfect man over apresesasi and interpresatsinya in building "strong human personality in accordance with the norms and codes of conduct set out his Lord (vertical), human (horizontal), and the environment (diagonal)".
In literal meaning (textual) "Insan Kamil" the perfect man. "Insan" is derived from the Arabic word translated into Indonesian by humans. "Insan" with different meanings "Bechar" is also translated to humans. "Insan" means human in the sense that human beings have a spiritual dimension, while Bechar leads to man in the sense of the body (biological). Thus the 'perfect man' is the perfect man preformance spiritual sense. [1]
While daalam Sufism, 'perfect man' is also often referred to as' Kamal Rijal. "These are people who have the intellectual capacity and the rod high spiritual and consistent in all perbuatanya behavior and day-to-day. [2]
According to Murtaza Mutahhari Insan Kamil is a man who develops all the good qualities that secaara seimang. The quality may be kasoh love, intellect, courage, honesty or creativity. [3]
According to Al-Sayyid Muhammad Alwy maliky Insan Insan Kamil is a life and death for Allah alone, he manggambarkanya prophet Muhammad on the figure, where the majesty and greatness of the Prophet is the personality, character and extent of the nobility who handled bukam field sourced at fanatisna or position and property. [4]
It is not easy to reach the level of 'perfect man'. Since the number of dimensions that must be met by those who want to reach the level of perfection. So naturally if you just like the prophets of human choice / apostles who can achieve level 'perfect man'. Tetepi would not rule teraf man can achieve "perfect man" when trying earnestly. Ie do riyadlah (exercise) continuous and not familiar with the desperate run of worship and morals al-karimah to God, neighbor and self.
While in the Qur'an and hadith never aksplisit menelaskan about "perfect man". We just received information that human beings are created by God with the best form, as in the letter of At-Tin The letter described God created man in the best form. But most good shape can be turned into the most abject forms / low, if people are not able to preserve and mempertahakanya
In Islam human corridor is the "perfect man" is a man who in his life seantiasa work righteousness (doing good) based on the faith in God that manifests itself in the attitude of taqwa.
[1] Abu Ahamadi, methodical religious education, (Armico, 1986, p, 109)
[2] Mysticism Iteraktif 9senin, February 2, 2004.
[3] Ibid; Monday, February 2, 2004.
[4] Murdha Mutahhari, I man Perfect view of Islam About Human Nature
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