Saturday 6 April 2013

My Notes : Abstraction, Spiritual Paradigm Qoutient (SQ) in Shaping the Perfect Man

Abstraction : Spiritual Paradigm Qoutient (SQ) in Shaping the Perfect Man

Keywords: Human, Spiritual Qoutient, and Insan Kamil

The background of this research is the presence of a problem from time to time, from era to era are always intertwined in the lives of humans. Humans, as described in Q.S. Al-Baqarah verse 30, are destructive (destructive and blood flow) is not like the angels who always besifat constructive (obey and serve Allah SWT). But in human nature has both qualities, destructive and constructive. So that they have the three elements of passion, intellect and heart. Of these three elements, the most fundamental make changes (agents of change) is an element of the liver. In a long hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim, that in the human body there is a piece of meat when the meat was good, then let all the behavior and state agencies. Conversely, if the condition of a piece of meat that is damaged then corrupted the whole body. Furthermore, the Prophet explained, that is a piece of meat here is the Heart. When the dust again, all of the damage that occurs in this world who seem at sea and on land was caused by human hands. Humans who become the main subject, that determine the state of the earth. While the determinants of positive and negative actions of human behavior is her or his spiritual elements. The liver is the main shaft of the spiritual life. So that when people do not terbagun spiritual well, then the implications for the existence of the destructive nature of life on earth. Therefore it can dismpulkan that damage is damage to the human spiritual universe. After view of these circumstances, it can be seen that the root of the acute problems that undermined the vital joints of human life during this time was due to damage or inner spiritual life. From this analysis, the researchers then sparked an idea for a theme peneltian Spiritual Qouatient (SQ) or Spiritual Intelligence as an acute problem solving of problems that have entered the stage of high level (high class). Praise be to Allaah, to make human life better bawdy maruut this, is to build the intelligence of his soul. This se-linear with the deepest meaning of our national anthem Indonesia Raya, "Arise soul, Arise His body, to Indonesia Raya". So then was born three formulation of the problem in this study: 1) How does the paradigm of Spiritual Quotient (SQ) in humans?, 2) How is the paradigm of perfect man?, 3) How is the paradigm of Spiritual Quotient (SQ) in forming the perfect man?
The purpose of this study this part is divided into two, namely the general and specific objectives. The overall aim was to reveal the Spiritual Quotient as a treasure of Islamic thought in the context of spiritual education which will then be used as an effort to form a perfect man. While the goal specifically is as follows: 1) To describe the Spiritual Quotient in humans, 2) To describe the perfect man paradigm, 3) To describe the paradigm of Spiritual Quotient (SQ) in order to build and form the soul and the personality Insan Kamil.
While the form and method of the study using a research model Search Library (Research Library), and methods using several methods, including: 1) Deduction Method, 2) Induction Method, 3) Comparison Method, 4) descriptive methods, and 5) Method of adjustment approach and approach to conflict.
Departing from systematic research and analysis, finally found three conclusions: 1) it is a paradigm of spiritual paradigm that highlights the abilities and intelligence of the human soul. Where the process of empowering the soul, through the process of training and spiritual ascent there are levels and stages to be achieved-in the form of increased 'ubudiyah to his Lord who then spiritual intelligence is dikejewantahkan in the practice of social values ​​in life. Peak of intelligence, is when he is close to his Lord and maintains all the commandments and prohibitions His menjahui (hablum minallah), good relationship with others (hablum minannas), and provide a substantial contribution to the natural (diagonal, humans and their environment). Thus, all activities relying on religious values ​​and the meaning of the whole circumstances of his life as a form of devotion of a servant to his Lord. Has a strong vertical backrest, harmonious horizontal ties, and creativity as well as sensitive to the diagonal strap love, 2) Human Paradigm perfect or perfect man is a man whose high intellectual intelligence (IQ), has a strong emotional intelligence (EQ), and has a spectacular spiritual intelligence (SQ). In this context, the perfect man propped up against the king of the Prophet Muhammad Therefore, the perfect man is one who can mengmalkan rests and properties (sunnah) and the teachings of the prophet and apostle. Such as that of the compulsory nature of prophets and apostles. Humans can sepmpurrna mesinergikan and create good relationships, vertically, horizontally and diagonally, 3) Paradigm spiritual quotient (SQ) and the perfect man had the same concept of spiritual space. When the SQ concepts, which have been presented in the above discourse, applied systematically and properly and correctly, necessitates the formation of perfect man. Spiritual levels that must be passed is not easy, because it needs to exercise and spiritual ascent (transcendental) very tough. He had to fight with the (lust) itself and through a long process. For example, the concept of SQ to reach maqam (position) perfect man, to go through the station of patience, wara, ascetic, king ', khauf and others that it is ultimately up to the perfect degree and become a perfect man. Measuring SQ here can be measured from the indicator. Because it can be understood that the concept of SQ can form a perfect man, man who has a remarkable level of intelligence that consists of three components, namely IQ, EQ and SQ.

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