In the context of education in Indonesia, this circumstance had bred by naked eyes. Therefore not surprising that the state of education in Indonesia really are at a very real dilemma. During this educational only be interpreted as a mere transformation by promoting science as an intellectual focus and omit spiritual values. Science and Technology (Science and Technology) which is not accompanied by faith and taqwa (IMTAQ). So that the resulting output is only smart but not smart thinking behave. Or in terms of its Java-called "smart but not right".
This dilemma because in the Guidelines of State Policy (Guidelines) said that the goal of universal education is "Building a Whole Person". While not yet awakened masyarkatnya spiritulias ruhaninaya to become fully human, that human beings have keperibadian noble and have the intelligence to think, behave, and the synergy between the two applications. Therefore, not only the fulfillment aspect of cognitive (IQ) alone to establish and build a complete person but also needs to fulfill the affective aspect (EQ) and psychomotor (SQ).
This will form the third aspect of intelligence defined by Ibn al-'Arabi as the intelligence that serves to transform the values of religion to man such as compassion, fairness, honesty, responsibility, kedamain, togetherness, and others.
Of the three components above intelligence, SQ is the highest intellect. SQ intelligence is called by the Prophet Muhammad when asked Gabriel about the highest peak of monotheism to God, as al-Ihsan. Ie,
"You worship Allah as if you see Him, if you do not see Him then truly He sees you". (Reported by Bukhari, Muslim in the book of Hadith Al-Nawawi Ba'in)
When the flash back then we will see how the early emergence of the SQ as an upper class in the human noble personality both vertically (hablum minallah), horizontal (hablum minannas), or diagonal (humans and their environment).
In the early part of the twentieth century, IQ had been a big issue. Intellectual or rational intelligence is the intelligence used to solve problems and strategic logic. Psychologists develop various tests to measure it, and tests it became a tool to sort people into different levels of intelligence, which was then known as the IQ (Intellegence qoutient), which he can demonstrate their abilities. According to this theory, the higher the IQ, the higher the intelligence.
In the mid-1990s, Daniel Goleman [1] popularized the study of many neorolog and psychologists who suggest that emotional intelligence (EQ), is as important as intellectual intelligence. EQ gives us an awareness of self-owned feeling and also other people's feelings. EQ gives us a sense of empathy, love, motivation, and ability to respond appropriately sadness or joy. As stated Goleman, EQ is a basic requirement for the use of IQ effectively. If the parts to find it has been broken, we can not think effectively.
Currently, at the end of the 20th century, serangakain latest scientific data, which so far has not been much discussed, shows the "Q" third kind. Complete picture of human intelligence can be equipped with the discussion of spiritual intelligence (SQ). The SQ according to Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall is the intelligence to deal with and solve problems of meaning and value, ie the behavior and intelligence to put our lives in the context of a broader meaning and rich, the intelligence to assess that person's actions or way of life is more meaningful than the other. SQ is the necessary foundation for the proper functioning of IQ and EQ effectively. In fact, SQ is our highest intelligence.
In multiple Intellegence, Howard Gardner of Harvard stated that there are at least seven types of intelligence, including musical, spatial, kinesthetic, rational, and emotional. However, further according to Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall commented and described that all human intelligence, which may be infinite in number, can be connected to one of the three basic nervous system that may be in the brain. In fact all kinds of intelligence called Gardner is essentially a variant of the three main intelligence IQ, EQ, and SQ as well as setting all three nerves.
[1] Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intellegence.
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