Saturday, 6 April 2013

My Notes 1: Spiritual Paradigm Qoutient (SQ) in Shaping the Perfect Man

Spiritual Paradigm Qoutient (SQ) in Shaping the Perfect Man 



A. Context Problem (Background)
       Ibn al-'Arabi, a mystic and a philosopher greatest Sufi shaykh (shaykh al-akbar) in Improved overview of the mystical philosophic man once said that:
"Man has two transcription, (ie) transcription and transcription bathiniah outward, outward transcription with macro cosmos (natural big / universe) as a whole, while transcription bathiniyah with God".

       The second is a two-dimensional transcription that each has a different shape and karekter, outward-dimensional physical-bodily substance of the material is essentially created from starch material objects that exist in the universe and reflects the distance from God, while dimmensi bathiniyah-spiritual -is a material substance that is essentially a part of the "Spirit" of divinity. Therefore, this dimension reflects the proximity and similarity (to) him. With these two transcription of human being special creatures created in the best of shape (fi ahsani taqwim).

Tinjaun above interpretation stems from the word of God (Surah Al-Baqarah: 73) which means:
"So when I happened has been perfect, and has been blowing right into it Ruh (creation) me, then you submit to him with adoring".

       Because in man there is the "Spirit" of God, then humans by nature have memilliki potential hadware spirituality and God in his brain. The potential for a "spiritual intelligence" which is an "inner voice" coming from "the territories of God" (God Spot) in man that always led him to become a spritualis.
       In the Islamic context, the potential of this spiritualist called Fitrah, ie the potential to recognize and mentauhidkan God, always leaning on the truth, and not the irregularities.
       It was narrated from Abu Hurairah, the Prophet ra.bahwa. Said which means:
"No one sidewhiskers bayipun unless he is born by nature. So people tuanyalah that makes him a Jew, Christian, or Zoroastrian ". (Al-Hadith)

       If someone want to hear whispers and follow nature's admonitions, he will be an individual as well as spiritualists spritualis collectively, to in turn reach the stage of self-actualization, which is the stage when humans actually aware of its existence as' Abdullah and responsible Kholifah God gives mercy to all the worlds (rahmatan lil 'alamin).
       People who have the awareness that such a course has the advantage qualitatively with the spiritual vacuum. Because people tend to spiritual emptiness is only focused on falasafah oriented material that assume that the material is everything (vandalism). Success for those assessed just how far they mengmpulkan money (material wealth) and spend it.
       That's part of the ethos of modernism style society of materialism, excuses excuses want to make people live a peaceful and happy it makes them lose orientation and the meaning of life, they are alienated from themselves, in turn melahhirkan a "spiritual aridity" that makes them unable to feel true happiness, because their souls Zulamani and conflict.
      The inner conflict occurs as a result of the conflict between the characters life, activity and purpose. This is possible because, according to William James in a person, there are two kinds of life (the world), the natural life and spiritual life. Imbalance and even dispute / disagreement second life (the world) is in man is the result of the intellectual and moral nature which does not blend perfectly.
       Contention that causes why a person "degenere superior" usually experienced "confusion" in his life. That's the price to pay is more expensive than just profits on a material called Majid Tehranian as "Cognitive Tyranny".
       Further confusion or anxiety and spiritual aridity that makes them easy to commit deviant acts normatively, in order to obtain the relative pleasure. On the one hand, modern society has successfully developed advanced science and technology to make it easier to live and cope with various problems in his life, but the other advanced science and technology are in fact not able to cultivate the noble morality.
       Ibn al-'Arabi said spiritual values ​​is a function of intelligence is to transform the values ​​of religion to men just as compassion, fairness, honesty, responsibility, peace, togetherness, and others. But those values ​​are not hegemony and not at the corners terkejewantahkan heart and conscience of the majority society. Spiritual values ​​in human nature today has been undermined by globalization and medorenisasi. As said by Zain Syarwini Alfya (2003:71), that globalization and modernization was not only mingled with, but also have to strip and stain the pristine values ​​of education, religion, politics, and culture.
       Therefore, until recently, the problems that struck the nation's life-perhaps the spiritual vacuum Indonesia is part of the category in question-ranging from problems of crisis (economic) global, political, social, moral decadence fibers such as corruption, drug abuse, sexual promiscuity free, pornography, sexual harassment, rape, global warming (global warming), natural disasters, sexual abuse, and so forth, there still ahead of us.
       Not to mention the culture of violence, thuggery campus, murder, fighting between students, crime, poor solidarity, and authoritarianism, still flourish around us, despite many efforts have been attempted to solve it.
       Viewed from the perspective of education, these issues objectively be regarded as a logical consequence of the educational process that has been leaning on the educational model and style of bank material that mentradisi oreinted in our society. Ironically the more education directed at compliance with the cognitive and omit or EQ SQ potential students. This also may occur in Islamic educational institutions

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