Saturday, 6 April 2013

My Notes 3 : Spiritual Paradigm Qoutient (SQ) in Shaping the Perfect Man

Webster's dictionary defines soul as "the animating principle or vital; thing that gives life to physical organisms and not on the elements of the material; breath of life". Basically, humans are spiritual beings because it is always driven by the need to ask the question "fundamental" or "basic". Why was I born? What is the meaning of my life? Why should I continue to live when I was tired, depressed, or feel invincible? What can make it all worthwhile? We directed, even determined by a manusiawai yearning to find meaning and value of what we do and experience. We feel a desire to see our lives in the context of a more spacious and meaningful, both in the family, the community, the football club, career, religion and the universe itself. Longing for something we feel we can accomplish, something that takes us beyond ourselves and the current state, something that brings us and our behavior significantly. Some anthropologists and neurologists declared that the longing for meaning and value of evolutionary offers that's what first brought the man out of the woods two million years ago. They said that the need for meaning birth imagination symbolic, language evolution, and growth of the human brain is very rapid.
        IQ and EQ, separately or together, are not sufficient to explain the whole complexity of human intelligence and also riches soul as well as his imagination. Computer has a high IQ: they know the rules and follow no one. Many animals have a high EQ: they recognize the situations they occupy and know how to respond to the situation appropriately. However, both the computer and the animals did not ask why we have a rule or situation, or whether the rule or the situation could be changed or improved. They work within the boundaries, played a "game limited". SQ allows people to be creative, change the rules and situations. SQ allows us to play with the boundaries, played a "infinite game". SQ gives us the ability to differentiate. SQ gives us a sense of morality, the ability to adjust the rules are rigid coupled with understanding and love, and equal ability to see when love and understanding to the limit. We use SQ to wrestle with the particulars of good and evil, and to imagine the possibilities that have not materialized to dream, aspire, and to lift ourselves out of modesty.
       Important differences between the SQ with EQ lies in the power change that. As described by Daniel Goleman, emotional intelligence enables researchers to decide under what circumstances the researchers are being appropriately therein. This means working within the constraints of the situation and let the situation lead researcher. However, spiritual intelligence allows penulsi asked if researchers really want to be in that situation. Are researchers prefer to change the situation, fix it? This means working with constraints situation researchers, allowing researchers to steer the situation.
       Finally, as will be seen in the discussion of basic neurological SQ, literally SQ operates daripusat brain that is of functions unifying brain. SQ integrate all of our intelligence. SQ makes us creatures completely intact intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.
        Ideally, all three intelligence we are able to work together and support each other. Our brains are designed to be able to do this. Nevertheless, their IQ, EQ, and SQ have a zone its own power and can befungsi separately. Therefore, the third level of intelligence we are not necessarily equally high or low. A person does not have to be high in IQ or SQ to be high in EQ because someone may be high his IQ, but low EQ and SQ her (Ian Marshall and Danah Zohar: 2002).

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