Sunday, 21 April 2013

In the Treatment of Islam: Honey Benefits

Million Efficacy and Benefits of Honey for Health 

Efficacy and benefits of honey for health is not a secret anymore. Since ancient times honey is one of the natural products that have immense benefits, especially for health.But can be used as a medicine, honey is also used as a natural sweetener in delivering various types of food and beverages. 
Before speaking further benefits of honey it helps us little about honey. Honey is a viscous liquid that resembles syrup tastes sweet and distinctive aroma. Honey is produced by bees from the nectar of flowers or nectar. But not all can produce honey bee, apis dorsata only bee species are most effective. 


Honey itself is dominated by sugar and some other compounds. That's what causes the honey is sweet. Of all the compounds contained therein, honey itself is dominated by compounds fructose (38%) and fructose (31%), and other little sweet compounds sucrose (5%). 

In addition to some of the above compounds, based on laboratory test results turned out honey also contains antioxidants and a little vitamin c. Because it is dominated by sugar, so diabetics are not recommended to consume large quantities of honey. 

Benefits of Honey for Health 
1. Honey can keep the body moisture 
2. Launched urination 
3. Help remove phlegm 
4. Whiten teeth 
5. Nourish hair 
6. Keeping your metabolism 
According to the international journal world, the benefits of honey can work well in treating wounds. Ranging from minor injuries to serious injuries such as burns can be cured with honey. Osmolarity of honey has proven to reduce inflammation and make the wound became dry faster.

Mother love

Mother love

There are times when only a Mother's love
Can understand our tears,

Can soothe us when we are disappointed
and calm all our fears.

There are times when only a Mother's love
Can share the joy we feel

When something we've dreamed
Suddenly it was real.

There are times when only a Mother's faith
Can help us on the road of life

And inspire our confidence
We need from day to day.

Because the heart of a Mother and a Mother's faith
And a Mother's steadfast love

Is like angel
And God sent from above.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Mendalami Spiritual Qouetiont (1)

Definisi Operasional Spiritual Qoutiont
Untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang jelas tentang arah penelitian skripsi ini, maka peneliti akan menjelaskan terlebih dahulu kata kunci yang terdapat dalam pembahasan ini, sekaligus penggunaannya secara operasional. Pertama, adalah kata “spiritual qoutient (kecerdasan spiritual)”, dan kedua adalah kata “Insan kamil”, dalam hal ini pembahasannya lebih ditekankan dan diarahkan pada kecerdasan jiwa dan hati supaya ada sinergitas yang relevan dan lebih spesifik, sesuai pokok pembahasan, yaitu masalah latihan rohani dan pendakian jiwa membentuk insan kamil.
      Secara bahasa Spiritual Qoutient terdiri dari dua kata, yaitu:
1.            Spiritual = murni, rohani, jiwa.
2.            Quetient = kecerdasan, kemampuan
Begitu pula insan kamil, secara bahasa terdiri dari dua kata, yaitu:
1.            Insan =  manusia secara sifat rohani
2.            Kamil = sempurna (baca: kesempurnaan jiwa dan kepribadian)
Kecerdasan adalah kapasitas umum dari seorang individu yang dpat dilihat pada kesanggupan pikirannya dalam mengatasi problem dan memenuhi tuntutan kebutuhan-kebutuhan baru dalam kehidupan[1]. Sedangkan kata spiritual memiliki akar kata spirit yang berarti murni[2]. Spiritual berbicara tentang kondisi kejiwaan, rohani, batin, mental dan moral[3]
Kecerdasan spiritual (spiritual quotien) adalah kecerdasan digunakan untuk mengakses makna yang dalam.nilai-nilai fundamental,dan kesadaran akan adanya tujuan yang abadi dalam hidup kita dan peran yang dimainkan oleh nilai dan tujuan ini dalam hidup.Strategi dan proses berpikir kita (Danah Zohar dan Ian Marshall : 2003)

Menjadi Manusia Sempurna/Insan Kamil dalam Islam

Menjadi Manusia Sempurna/Insan Kamil dalam Islam (1)
Sedangakan yang dimaksud adalah sebagaimana yang diungkapkan oleh Ibnu ‘Arabi dan Al-Jili, yaitu manusia yang memiliki indikator sperti sifat para rasul (shiddiq, amanah, tabligh dan fathonah). Adapun yang dimaksud semua aspek disini yaitu mencakup jasmani, akal, dan hati[1].

Kalau ditilik lebih jauh, keempat sifat wajib nabi dan rasul ini akar yang mencakup dimensi-dimensi jasmani, akal dan hati. Yakni, pertama Shiddiq, bermakna orang yang selalu berprilaku jujur dan selalu mensoisialisasikan kejujuran dalam langkah-langkah hidup yang di tempuh. Karena memang, kejujuran dapat mempermudah urusan dunia dan akhirat.  Kedua Amanah, artinya dapat dipercaya karena telah terbukti memiliki akuntabilitas dan kredibilitas yang mumpuni dan teruji. Dari sifat amanah ini berimplikasi pada adanya pakem loyalitas tinggi yang melahirkan kesatabilan dan balance (keseimbangan) system yang ada. Ketiga Tabligh, yaitu proses penyampaian hakikat kebenaran dan realita yang rill yang didasarkan pada ranah keilmuan. Proses ini intinya adalah proses eksistensi kemaslahatan umat manusia, terjadi recycle (perputaran) pengkaderan bibit unggul membangun sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang berkualitas dan berperadaban lebih baik. Keempat Fathonah, adalah pembentukan aspek Kognitif, Afektif dan Psikomotorik yang tidak bisa dihindari bagi orang yang akan menjadi pemimpin. Agar kepemimpin yang di bangun menjadi harmonis dan maju. Karena setiap orang adalah pemimpin.  
A.    Rumusan Masalah
      Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas, maka fokus masalah yang akan di  bahas dalam penelitian skripsi ini sebagai berikut :
1.      Bagaimanakah paradigma Spiritual Quotient (SQ) pada manusia?
2.      Bagaimanakah paradigma insan kamil?
3.      Bagaimanakah paradigma Spiritual Quotient (SQ) dalam membentuk insan kamil?

C.  Tujuan dan Manfaat Penelitian
       Tujuan penelitian skripsi ini terbagi menjadi dua bagaian, yaitu tujuan umum dan khusus. Tujuan umumnya adalah mengungkapkan Spiritual Quotient sebagai khazanah pemikiran Islam dalam konteks pendidikan rohani yang kemudian akan dijadikan sebagai upaya membentuk insan kamil. Sedangkan tujuannya secara khusus adalah sebagai berikut :
1.      Untuk mendeskripsikan Spiritual Quotient pada manusia
2.      Untuk mendeskripsikan paradigma insan kamil
3.      Untuk mendeskripsikan paradigma Spiritual Quotient (SQ) sebagai upaya untuk membangun dan membentuk jiwa dan kepribadiaan Insan Kamil?
Adapun manfaat yang diharapkan dari peneliti terkait dengan penelitian skripsi ini, antara lain adalah:
1.      Memberikan sumbangsih pemikiran terhadap dunia pendidikan terutama yang berkaitan dengan upaya pengembangan pendidikan Islam yang berwawasan Spiritual Quotient sebagai upaya pencarian sekaligus penanaman nilai dan makna yang lebih kaya dan luas dalam kehidupan manusia. Agar pendidikan benar-benar menemukan keotientikan dan fungsinya untuk membangun manusia seutuhnya.
2.      Sebagai bahan referensi untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan sekaligus sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang berwawasan intelektual dan kedalaman spiritual. Karena memang, pada hakekatnya pendidikan di rancang untuk mengembangkan potensi yang dimiliki manusia secara keseluruhan, baik potensi badaniyah/jismiyah terlebih potensi ruhaniyah yang belakangan ini jarang diperhatikan oleh kaum akademis.
3.      Memberikan pemikiran sumbangsih kepada masyarakat luas, berupa informasi dan gagasan baru tentang pendidikan Islam dan kiprahnya dalam membangun jiwa (animus) teisme-humanis dalam upaya pencarian hakikat makna dan nilai kehidupan yang sejati dari manusia paripurna.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

My Notes 6 : Spiritual Paradigm Qoutient (SQ) in Shaping the Perfect Man


The word al-insan not mean Bechar only and not also in the sense of al-ins. In the use of the Qur'an, al-insan implies mukalaf creature (creation of God burdened by responsibility) mandate bearer caliph of Allah and Allah on earth.
Al-Insan in this sense is found in 65 places in the Qur'an. The above explanation shows the features and characteristics of human beings in terms of al-insan. In the first verse revealed to Allah's Apostle Allah SAW, namely surah al-'Alaq, there are three mentions of al-insan, namely: (1) which tells us that man was created from' alaq (blood clot), (2) people say have the privilege, namely science, and (3) Allah describes that man with all its privileges have exceeded since have been satisfied with what he had.
People often forget the creator. Passages relating to human creation can be seen in Surah at-Tariq verses 5-8, surah 'Abasa verses 17-22, Sura al-Insan verses 2-3, verses 77-79 Surah Yasin, Surah al-Qiyamah paragraph 37-40, and surah al-Kahf verse 37. Such texts illustrate that humans are very weak and despised, was himself satisfied, tends to forget its creator when he received favors and disasters. It can also be seen in Surah an-Nahl verse 4, which describes the human as makhlu debater; surah an-Nisa 'verse 28, which states that human beings are weak, and surah al-Infitar verses 6-8, which describe the human as someone who influenced ileh something so forget the Lord.
Therefore human understanding as the description above with the perfect man will always unidirectional pemaknaanya. It's just the perfect man over apresesasi and interpresatsinya in building "strong human personality in accordance with the norms and codes of conduct set out his Lord (vertical), human (horizontal), and the environment (diagonal)".
In literal meaning (textual) "Insan Kamil" the perfect man. "Insan" is derived from the Arabic word translated into Indonesian by humans. "Insan" with different meanings "Bechar" is also translated to humans. "Insan" means human in the sense that human beings have a spiritual dimension, while Bechar leads to man in the sense of the body (biological). Thus the 'perfect man' is the perfect man preformance spiritual sense. [1]
While daalam Sufism, 'perfect man' is also often referred to as' Kamal Rijal. "These are people who have the intellectual capacity and the rod high spiritual and consistent in all perbuatanya behavior and day-to-day. [2]
According to Murtaza Mutahhari Insan Kamil is a man who develops all the good qualities that secaara seimang. The quality may be kasoh love, intellect, courage, honesty or creativity. [3]
According to Al-Sayyid Muhammad Alwy maliky Insan Insan Kamil is a life and death for Allah alone, he manggambarkanya prophet Muhammad on the figure, where the majesty and greatness of the Prophet is the personality, character and extent of the nobility who handled bukam field sourced at fanatisna or position and property. [4]
It is not easy to reach the level of 'perfect man'. Since the number of dimensions that must be met by those who want to reach the level of perfection. So naturally if you just like the prophets of human choice / apostles who can achieve level 'perfect man'. Tetepi would not rule teraf man can achieve "perfect man" when trying earnestly. Ie do riyadlah (exercise) continuous and not familiar with the desperate run of worship and morals al-karimah to God, neighbor and self.
While in the Qur'an and hadith never aksplisit menelaskan about "perfect man". We just received information that human beings are created by God with the best form, as in the letter of At-Tin The letter described God created man in the best form. But most good shape can be turned into the most abject forms / low, if people are not able to preserve and mempertahakanya
In Islam human corridor is the "perfect man" is a man who in his life seantiasa work righteousness (doing good) based on the faith in God that manifests itself in the attitude of taqwa.

[1] Abu Ahamadi, methodical religious education, (Armico, 1986, p, 109)
[2] Mysticism Iteraktif 9senin, February 2, 2004.
[3] Ibid; Monday, February 2, 2004.
[4] Murdha Mutahhari, I man Perfect view of Islam About Human Nature

My Notes 5: Spiritual Paradigm Quatien the Perfect Human Form

My Notes 5: Spiritual Paradigm Quatien the Perfect Human Form

Before tread deeper, in fact when talking about the perfect man will not come off and attach to talk the man himself. According to Dr. Mahdy bin 'Abud man is a unit consisting of the elements of body, soul, mind, and spirit. Needed to be able to understand the science related to physical science as religion needs.
       There are three words in the Quran are interpreted as ordinary human beings, namely al-Bechar, an-nas, and al-ins or al-insan. However, when viewed in terms of language and explanation of the Qur'an itself, the word meaning three different mutual.
       Al-Bechar is a human picture of the material, which can be seen, eat something, walk, and brusaha to meet the needs in his life. Humans in these notions, among them 25 times to talk about the "humanity" of the apostles and prophets, verse 13 describes the polemics among the apostles and prophets with unbelievers whose contents reluctance disbelievers to what brought the apostles and prophet because according to the apostles that they are human beings like them as well, and a number of verses that contain the recognition that the apostles did it was the same man as other men.
       Allah says in Surah al-Anbiya 'verse 2-3 which means:
"Do not come to them a verse of the Qur'an was a new (derived) from their Lord, but they listen to it while they play around, (again) their hearts in a state of neglect. And they were wrongdoers conceal their private: 'This man is nothing but a Bechar (humans) like you (nevertheless), then whether you accept the magic that, when ye see? "(Surah Al-Anbiya: 2-3).

      Recognition apostle that he also can be seen in the human-surah al-Kahf verse 110 which means:
   "Say, verily I am only a man like you, who revealed to me: 'Behold Your God is One God it'. Whoever expects encounter with his Lord let him work righteous deeds, and let him not associate anyone in the worship of his Lord. "

       Human in the sense of Bechar DAPT also be seen among others in surah Ibrahim verse 10, Surah Hud verse 26, surah al-Mu'minun verses 24 and 33, sura al-Syu'ara 'verse 154, Sura Yasin verse 15, and surah al -Isra 'verse 93. In the hadith of Rasulallah SAW also found recognition of the "humanity" in pengetian Bechar.

Of the verses of the Qur'an mentioned above shows that the man in the sense of Bechar is human-nature sfat kemateriannya.
Man in the Qur'an is also called an-nas. An-nas said in the Quran there are as many as 240 times with a clear explanation refers to the type of Prophet Adam AS. For example, contained in sura al-Hujurat verse 13 which means:
"O mankind, We created you from a male and a female and made you a nation-state and tribes that ye may know each other. Verily the noblest among you in Allah's sight are the most pious among you. "(Surah Al-Hujarat: 13)

Humans are also often called al-ins or al-insan. The word al-insan al-ins and in pengertia language is the opposite of "wild animals". In the Qur'an, despite having the same root word, both words have the same root, both words have different meanings and have different privileges.
Said al-ins always opposed to the word al-jin (genie), a kind of spirit that is not a matter of life beyond the human realm. Bintu Syati (expert commentary and lecturer at the University Qurawiyyin in Morocco) said that the jinn are not to be understood as a scary shadow in the darkness of night, although the pronunciation al-jinn it basically means al-Khafa '(hidden), the creatures that live beyond nature that we see, behind the inhabited human nature, and is not subject to the natural law of human life.

My Notes 4 : Spiritual Paradigm Qoutient (SQ) in Shaping the Perfect Man

Judging from the psychology, SQ has a place in the process of its formation. The entire flow of Western psychology rests on two psychological processes. SQ introduce a third process that necessitates the expansion of psychology as a science and a broad understanding of the human self.
       At first, Freud established two psychological processes, primary and secondary. Primary process associated with the idea, instinct, body, emotions, and unconscious. Secondary processes associated with the ego, consciousness, and the rational mind. For Freud, the higher secondary and superior: "When the idea was, that's where the ego." Other psychologists sometimes after further emphasize the importance of the primary process. However, all subsequent flow of psychology, including cognitive science, still holding the structure of these two processes. The primary process may be called EQ (based on "associative neural networks in the brain") and secondary processes can be called IQ (based on "neural networks in the brain series").
       Because, based on two processes, Western psychology is effectively putting a center lobe on the soul. Primary and secondary processes compete for control and expression. However, both reason and emotion can not relate to something beyond themselves. They do not have a shared resource that can unify and transform them. They do not have a transpersonal dimension. The concept of "self" and "transcendental functions" Jung is an attempt to bridge the divide, but unfortunately, have not been sufficiently developed in the neurology lifetime Jung (he meniggal in 1961) to provide a scientific basis for the further development of psychology.
       SQ (based on the three brain nervous system, the synchronous neural oscillations that unify data across brain regions) for the first time offers us a third process is active. This process brings together, integrate, and potentially change the material arising from the two other processes. SQ facilitate a dialogue between reason and emotion, between mind and body. SQ provides a fulcrum for growth and change. SQ also provides a central provider of active and unified meaning for themselves.
 With SQ can know nature itself, as a human being once had an agreement with his Lord. In man there is God Spot that leads men have noble personality. Noble personality is what will deliver humans to the plenary or called Insan Kamil. That in view of the comparative Ary Gina, IQ, EQ, and SQ are three levels of intelligence in the build up perfect man lives in the human personality, as well as the three main pillars of Islam, namely, Faith (IQ), Islam (EQ) and Ihsan (SQ).
       Insan Kamil is said that in the adoption of the Arabic language, the meaning of human al-Insan al-Kamil and means perfect. Insan Kamil means a perfect man. Paripuna perfect man or this man is a philosophical concept that first appeared on the idea that a great Sufi Shaykh Ibn Arabi. Later this idea was developed by one of his followers, Ibrahim bin Abdul Karim al-Jili (1365), became part of the "mystical musings" that "character of philosophical Sufism".

My Notes 3 : Spiritual Paradigm Qoutient (SQ) in Shaping the Perfect Man

Webster's dictionary defines soul as "the animating principle or vital; thing that gives life to physical organisms and not on the elements of the material; breath of life". Basically, humans are spiritual beings because it is always driven by the need to ask the question "fundamental" or "basic". Why was I born? What is the meaning of my life? Why should I continue to live when I was tired, depressed, or feel invincible? What can make it all worthwhile? We directed, even determined by a manusiawai yearning to find meaning and value of what we do and experience. We feel a desire to see our lives in the context of a more spacious and meaningful, both in the family, the community, the football club, career, religion and the universe itself. Longing for something we feel we can accomplish, something that takes us beyond ourselves and the current state, something that brings us and our behavior significantly. Some anthropologists and neurologists declared that the longing for meaning and value of evolutionary offers that's what first brought the man out of the woods two million years ago. They said that the need for meaning birth imagination symbolic, language evolution, and growth of the human brain is very rapid.
        IQ and EQ, separately or together, are not sufficient to explain the whole complexity of human intelligence and also riches soul as well as his imagination. Computer has a high IQ: they know the rules and follow no one. Many animals have a high EQ: they recognize the situations they occupy and know how to respond to the situation appropriately. However, both the computer and the animals did not ask why we have a rule or situation, or whether the rule or the situation could be changed or improved. They work within the boundaries, played a "game limited". SQ allows people to be creative, change the rules and situations. SQ allows us to play with the boundaries, played a "infinite game". SQ gives us the ability to differentiate. SQ gives us a sense of morality, the ability to adjust the rules are rigid coupled with understanding and love, and equal ability to see when love and understanding to the limit. We use SQ to wrestle with the particulars of good and evil, and to imagine the possibilities that have not materialized to dream, aspire, and to lift ourselves out of modesty.
       Important differences between the SQ with EQ lies in the power change that. As described by Daniel Goleman, emotional intelligence enables researchers to decide under what circumstances the researchers are being appropriately therein. This means working within the constraints of the situation and let the situation lead researcher. However, spiritual intelligence allows penulsi asked if researchers really want to be in that situation. Are researchers prefer to change the situation, fix it? This means working with constraints situation researchers, allowing researchers to steer the situation.
       Finally, as will be seen in the discussion of basic neurological SQ, literally SQ operates daripusat brain that is of functions unifying brain. SQ integrate all of our intelligence. SQ makes us creatures completely intact intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.
        Ideally, all three intelligence we are able to work together and support each other. Our brains are designed to be able to do this. Nevertheless, their IQ, EQ, and SQ have a zone its own power and can befungsi separately. Therefore, the third level of intelligence we are not necessarily equally high or low. A person does not have to be high in IQ or SQ to be high in EQ because someone may be high his IQ, but low EQ and SQ her (Ian Marshall and Danah Zohar: 2002).

My notes 2 : Spiritual Paradigm Qoutient (SQ) in Shaping the Perfect Man

 In the context of education in Indonesia, this circumstance had bred by naked eyes. Therefore not surprising that the state of education in Indonesia really are at a very real dilemma. During this educational only be interpreted as a mere transformation by promoting science as an intellectual focus and omit spiritual values. Science and Technology (Science and Technology) which is not accompanied by faith and taqwa (IMTAQ). So that the resulting output is only smart but not smart thinking behave. Or in terms of its Java-called "smart but not right".
       This dilemma because in the Guidelines of State Policy (Guidelines) said that the goal of universal education is "Building a Whole Person". While not yet awakened masyarkatnya spiritulias ruhaninaya to become fully human, that human beings have keperibadian noble and have the intelligence to think, behave, and the synergy between the two applications. Therefore, not only the fulfillment aspect of cognitive (IQ) alone to establish and build a complete person but also needs to fulfill the affective aspect (EQ) and psychomotor (SQ).
       This will form the third aspect of intelligence defined by Ibn al-'Arabi as the intelligence that serves to transform the values ​​of religion to man such as compassion, fairness, honesty, responsibility, kedamain, togetherness, and others.
       Of the three components above intelligence, SQ is the highest intellect. SQ intelligence is called by the Prophet Muhammad when asked Gabriel about the highest peak of monotheism to God, as al-Ihsan. Ie,
"You worship Allah as if you see Him, if you do not see Him then truly He sees you". (Reported by Bukhari, Muslim in the book of Hadith Al-Nawawi Ba'in)

       When the flash back then we will see how the early emergence of the SQ as an upper class in the human noble personality both vertically (hablum minallah), horizontal (hablum minannas), or diagonal (humans and their environment).
       In the early part of the twentieth century, IQ had been a big issue. Intellectual or rational intelligence is the intelligence used to solve problems and strategic logic. Psychologists develop various tests to measure it, and tests it became a tool to sort people into different levels of intelligence, which was then known as the IQ (Intellegence qoutient), which he can demonstrate their abilities. According to this theory, the higher the IQ, the higher the intelligence.
       In the mid-1990s, Daniel Goleman [1] popularized the study of many neorolog and psychologists who suggest that emotional intelligence (EQ), is as important as intellectual intelligence. EQ gives us an awareness of self-owned feeling and also other people's feelings. EQ gives us a sense of empathy, love, motivation, and ability to respond appropriately sadness or joy. As stated Goleman, EQ is a basic requirement for the use of IQ effectively. If the parts to find it has been broken, we can not think effectively.
Currently, at the end of the 20th century, serangakain latest scientific data, which so far has not been much discussed, shows the "Q" third kind. Complete picture of human intelligence can be equipped with the discussion of spiritual intelligence (SQ). The SQ according to Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall is the intelligence to deal with and solve problems of meaning and value, ie the behavior and intelligence to put our lives in the context of a broader meaning and rich, the intelligence to assess that person's actions or way of life is more meaningful than the other. SQ is the necessary foundation for the proper functioning of IQ and EQ effectively. In fact, SQ is our highest intelligence.
       In multiple Intellegence, Howard Gardner of Harvard stated that there are at least seven types of intelligence, including musical, spatial, kinesthetic, rational, and emotional. However, further according to Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall commented and described that all human intelligence, which may be infinite in number, can be connected to one of the three basic nervous system that may be in the brain. In fact all kinds of intelligence called Gardner is essentially a variant of the three main intelligence IQ, EQ, and SQ as well as setting all three nerves.

[1] Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intellegence.

My Notes : Abstraction, Spiritual Paradigm Qoutient (SQ) in Shaping the Perfect Man

Abstraction : Spiritual Paradigm Qoutient (SQ) in Shaping the Perfect Man

Keywords: Human, Spiritual Qoutient, and Insan Kamil

The background of this research is the presence of a problem from time to time, from era to era are always intertwined in the lives of humans. Humans, as described in Q.S. Al-Baqarah verse 30, are destructive (destructive and blood flow) is not like the angels who always besifat constructive (obey and serve Allah SWT). But in human nature has both qualities, destructive and constructive. So that they have the three elements of passion, intellect and heart. Of these three elements, the most fundamental make changes (agents of change) is an element of the liver. In a long hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim, that in the human body there is a piece of meat when the meat was good, then let all the behavior and state agencies. Conversely, if the condition of a piece of meat that is damaged then corrupted the whole body. Furthermore, the Prophet explained, that is a piece of meat here is the Heart. When the dust again, all of the damage that occurs in this world who seem at sea and on land was caused by human hands. Humans who become the main subject, that determine the state of the earth. While the determinants of positive and negative actions of human behavior is her or his spiritual elements. The liver is the main shaft of the spiritual life. So that when people do not terbagun spiritual well, then the implications for the existence of the destructive nature of life on earth. Therefore it can dismpulkan that damage is damage to the human spiritual universe. After view of these circumstances, it can be seen that the root of the acute problems that undermined the vital joints of human life during this time was due to damage or inner spiritual life. From this analysis, the researchers then sparked an idea for a theme peneltian Spiritual Qouatient (SQ) or Spiritual Intelligence as an acute problem solving of problems that have entered the stage of high level (high class). Praise be to Allaah, to make human life better bawdy maruut this, is to build the intelligence of his soul. This se-linear with the deepest meaning of our national anthem Indonesia Raya, "Arise soul, Arise His body, to Indonesia Raya". So then was born three formulation of the problem in this study: 1) How does the paradigm of Spiritual Quotient (SQ) in humans?, 2) How is the paradigm of perfect man?, 3) How is the paradigm of Spiritual Quotient (SQ) in forming the perfect man?
The purpose of this study this part is divided into two, namely the general and specific objectives. The overall aim was to reveal the Spiritual Quotient as a treasure of Islamic thought in the context of spiritual education which will then be used as an effort to form a perfect man. While the goal specifically is as follows: 1) To describe the Spiritual Quotient in humans, 2) To describe the perfect man paradigm, 3) To describe the paradigm of Spiritual Quotient (SQ) in order to build and form the soul and the personality Insan Kamil.
While the form and method of the study using a research model Search Library (Research Library), and methods using several methods, including: 1) Deduction Method, 2) Induction Method, 3) Comparison Method, 4) descriptive methods, and 5) Method of adjustment approach and approach to conflict.
Departing from systematic research and analysis, finally found three conclusions: 1) it is a paradigm of spiritual paradigm that highlights the abilities and intelligence of the human soul. Where the process of empowering the soul, through the process of training and spiritual ascent there are levels and stages to be achieved-in the form of increased 'ubudiyah to his Lord who then spiritual intelligence is dikejewantahkan in the practice of social values ​​in life. Peak of intelligence, is when he is close to his Lord and maintains all the commandments and prohibitions His menjahui (hablum minallah), good relationship with others (hablum minannas), and provide a substantial contribution to the natural (diagonal, humans and their environment). Thus, all activities relying on religious values ​​and the meaning of the whole circumstances of his life as a form of devotion of a servant to his Lord. Has a strong vertical backrest, harmonious horizontal ties, and creativity as well as sensitive to the diagonal strap love, 2) Human Paradigm perfect or perfect man is a man whose high intellectual intelligence (IQ), has a strong emotional intelligence (EQ), and has a spectacular spiritual intelligence (SQ). In this context, the perfect man propped up against the king of the Prophet Muhammad Therefore, the perfect man is one who can mengmalkan rests and properties (sunnah) and the teachings of the prophet and apostle. Such as that of the compulsory nature of prophets and apostles. Humans can sepmpurrna mesinergikan and create good relationships, vertically, horizontally and diagonally, 3) Paradigm spiritual quotient (SQ) and the perfect man had the same concept of spiritual space. When the SQ concepts, which have been presented in the above discourse, applied systematically and properly and correctly, necessitates the formation of perfect man. Spiritual levels that must be passed is not easy, because it needs to exercise and spiritual ascent (transcendental) very tough. He had to fight with the (lust) itself and through a long process. For example, the concept of SQ to reach maqam (position) perfect man, to go through the station of patience, wara, ascetic, king ', khauf and others that it is ultimately up to the perfect degree and become a perfect man. Measuring SQ here can be measured from the indicator. Because it can be understood that the concept of SQ can form a perfect man, man who has a remarkable level of intelligence that consists of three components, namely IQ, EQ and SQ.

My Notes 1: Spiritual Paradigm Qoutient (SQ) in Shaping the Perfect Man

Spiritual Paradigm Qoutient (SQ) in Shaping the Perfect Man 



A. Context Problem (Background)
       Ibn al-'Arabi, a mystic and a philosopher greatest Sufi shaykh (shaykh al-akbar) in Improved overview of the mystical philosophic man once said that:
"Man has two transcription, (ie) transcription and transcription bathiniah outward, outward transcription with macro cosmos (natural big / universe) as a whole, while transcription bathiniyah with God".

       The second is a two-dimensional transcription that each has a different shape and karekter, outward-dimensional physical-bodily substance of the material is essentially created from starch material objects that exist in the universe and reflects the distance from God, while dimmensi bathiniyah-spiritual -is a material substance that is essentially a part of the "Spirit" of divinity. Therefore, this dimension reflects the proximity and similarity (to) him. With these two transcription of human being special creatures created in the best of shape (fi ahsani taqwim).

Tinjaun above interpretation stems from the word of God (Surah Al-Baqarah: 73) which means:
"So when I happened has been perfect, and has been blowing right into it Ruh (creation) me, then you submit to him with adoring".

       Because in man there is the "Spirit" of God, then humans by nature have memilliki potential hadware spirituality and God in his brain. The potential for a "spiritual intelligence" which is an "inner voice" coming from "the territories of God" (God Spot) in man that always led him to become a spritualis.
       In the Islamic context, the potential of this spiritualist called Fitrah, ie the potential to recognize and mentauhidkan God, always leaning on the truth, and not the irregularities.
       It was narrated from Abu Hurairah, the Prophet ra.bahwa. Said which means:
"No one sidewhiskers bayipun unless he is born by nature. So people tuanyalah that makes him a Jew, Christian, or Zoroastrian ". (Al-Hadith)

       If someone want to hear whispers and follow nature's admonitions, he will be an individual as well as spiritualists spritualis collectively, to in turn reach the stage of self-actualization, which is the stage when humans actually aware of its existence as' Abdullah and responsible Kholifah God gives mercy to all the worlds (rahmatan lil 'alamin).
       People who have the awareness that such a course has the advantage qualitatively with the spiritual vacuum. Because people tend to spiritual emptiness is only focused on falasafah oriented material that assume that the material is everything (vandalism). Success for those assessed just how far they mengmpulkan money (material wealth) and spend it.
       That's part of the ethos of modernism style society of materialism, excuses excuses want to make people live a peaceful and happy it makes them lose orientation and the meaning of life, they are alienated from themselves, in turn melahhirkan a "spiritual aridity" that makes them unable to feel true happiness, because their souls Zulamani and conflict.
      The inner conflict occurs as a result of the conflict between the characters life, activity and purpose. This is possible because, according to William James in a person, there are two kinds of life (the world), the natural life and spiritual life. Imbalance and even dispute / disagreement second life (the world) is in man is the result of the intellectual and moral nature which does not blend perfectly.
       Contention that causes why a person "degenere superior" usually experienced "confusion" in his life. That's the price to pay is more expensive than just profits on a material called Majid Tehranian as "Cognitive Tyranny".
       Further confusion or anxiety and spiritual aridity that makes them easy to commit deviant acts normatively, in order to obtain the relative pleasure. On the one hand, modern society has successfully developed advanced science and technology to make it easier to live and cope with various problems in his life, but the other advanced science and technology are in fact not able to cultivate the noble morality.
       Ibn al-'Arabi said spiritual values ​​is a function of intelligence is to transform the values ​​of religion to men just as compassion, fairness, honesty, responsibility, peace, togetherness, and others. But those values ​​are not hegemony and not at the corners terkejewantahkan heart and conscience of the majority society. Spiritual values ​​in human nature today has been undermined by globalization and medorenisasi. As said by Zain Syarwini Alfya (2003:71), that globalization and modernization was not only mingled with, but also have to strip and stain the pristine values ​​of education, religion, politics, and culture.
       Therefore, until recently, the problems that struck the nation's life-perhaps the spiritual vacuum Indonesia is part of the category in question-ranging from problems of crisis (economic) global, political, social, moral decadence fibers such as corruption, drug abuse, sexual promiscuity free, pornography, sexual harassment, rape, global warming (global warming), natural disasters, sexual abuse, and so forth, there still ahead of us.
       Not to mention the culture of violence, thuggery campus, murder, fighting between students, crime, poor solidarity, and authoritarianism, still flourish around us, despite many efforts have been attempted to solve it.
       Viewed from the perspective of education, these issues objectively be regarded as a logical consequence of the educational process that has been leaning on the educational model and style of bank material that mentradisi oreinted in our society. Ironically the more education directed at compliance with the cognitive and omit or EQ SQ potential students. This also may occur in Islamic educational institutions

Know the Guidance of Nature Occultation

Know the Guidance of Nature Ghaib
by : Akhmad Fakih

Many people when they hear the word natural unseen branches grow seed in his heart; curiosity, doubt, superstition, fear, want more to know and understand, myth, lie, shirk, heaven, hell, angels, satan, jinn, demons and other -other. This is normal because it is pure destiny of humanity is trapped in a maze with no compass and the right direction for sure. Therefore, there needs to be a light that gives a true compass about the supernatural realm filled with mystery and deepest life. Because the terminology Ghaib it is "that can not be captured by the senses. Believe that ghjaib ie, mengi'tikadkan manifest presence of something that can not be captured by the senses, because there are arguments that show the existence, such as: the existence of God, the angels , the hereafter, and so on. " (Clay Qur'an in Word).
In Islam, unseen nature has a very crucial role. He is a principal and the first lesson for people who want to achieve excellence in the worldly life and ukhrowi. As Allah SWT. Q.S. Al-Baqarah: 3 "...(They are) those who believe in the Unseen, who establish the prayer, and spend out of the sustenance we partly bestowed upon them." Ideast, levels of the three pillars in Islam, the position of the unseen is the most basic nature to be learned and mastered, namely terkejewantahkan the Five Pillars of Faith. Of the three pillars of Islam which Kaffah-Iman, Islam, Ihsan - Faith is a top priority. In the six pillars of faith, all contained supernatural nature; God, angels, His messengers, the books, the last days, Qodha 'and qodar. From all of this, there is a real door as the key to open all the gates of the supernatural realm, namely Faith in the Book of Allah, Al-Quran. While other books (100 suhuf and Psalms, Torah, Gospel) quasi-ethereal meniggalnya gone along with the prophets and apostles who held it. Suhuf apalgi all the books and this is not a form of "miracle" but only the "Details". While the Qur'an is a miracle, Explanation, Details, Drug, Help, differentiator and others. Al-Qu'an will never disappear from the earth until the day qiamat Allah, because the Qur'an is a special miracle owned by Prophet Muhammad. although the person died, but al-Quran is still alive today. This is what is meant by God in his word, "Verily, We the Qur'an it. And we also who guard (until day qiamat)." So faith is a fundamental key to penetrate the supernatural realm. Because they are two packages that can not be separated. "Faith is the firm belief that accompanied the submission and the submission of the soul. Signs of faith is doing what was intended by faith.
Let's dive into the supernatural Natural properly let me not get lost. Are you ready? Before we set off towards the huddled millions ark mystery and spectacular, I would mengungkapn previous stories on natural persons of the past and the present in the present context casuistry those who have experienced supernatural nature and are stuck in it so the implications for the truth or error; ? Angel or Jin? Such a spirit or Satanic temptation? The influence of science or the Devil? Islam or Javanese? Side effects of taking it? Heaven or kingdom of Jin stairs? Magician or wizard? and others if I was ready to wait for the next post, God Willing. Amen .........

Short Story 2 : My Boyfriend My Affair

My Boyfriend My Affair
by: Akhmad Fakih

Religious guy with a famous name bobby fascinated by the elegance Aza Fasluatun Nisa 'fair-complexioned girl with a dimpled smile adding ornate charm jets capable bewitch the adam,
no matter who kalam solitude right wasteland sun that burns kulit.dengan embroidery round, he remained head of the bright spots tuk slits filled his heart with love. "iza no outside'' bobby tuh tell iza della being occupied with beautiful finger nails.'' tumben what to do ....? '' Della lifted a pair of shoulder'' I think he really has a crush on you ma Dech iabergegas'' he whispered as he left the iza.'' Hus

'' Let's go'' if so,
 '' Iza thanks, I want to talk seriously tp you ma, I want to take you right to the beach it's up if you want, how?'' Iza hang silent invitation.
'' How ea bob, EEM okay lah if so,''
Foaming waves thundering roar menyintari blue horizon, the pier began ramaikan beach visitors, my view of the beautiful beach without end, tapaki sand barefoot, bobby pull my hand to invite sitting on the beach with thunderous waves endlessly
"Iza," Bobby broke the silence.
"He bob why?"
"I want to talk seriously wants you might be a good time tuk disclose all the thrill Wherever my long buried, za, I'm not the romantic type of guy who can express poetic words, but really penuturanku comes from the bottom of my heart , I want you to be mine iza, I love you, more than you know, I want to be with you not just now and then but for eternity, the afterlife I want you to be my lover who vanished eaten dzaman timeless, that's prasa'anku against mu, but ..... I do not know with your heart? hope you can answer me I asked, tp if not, at any time until I will keep you waiting. "
Iza so embarrassed after hearing the sense strand of her bobby vibrate, silent lips arrows that bobby Wherever plug embedded in her heart she was confused on which direction he began blessing explanation
"It was the afternoon, it looks like we have to go home now." Iza wants to move left Bobby, but Bobby pulled his hand real quick.
'' Give me time to think Bob''
Morning came with dew water drops with the flowers buds are starting to spread iza vibrant fragrance dwells in his amps, staring back balik.Keinginannya handpone he began to attend to him tuk send message to bobby, his hand began to move Acceptable fikiranya can not dreamy in detail soaok bobby.
I begin this preface with a greeting and tenderness of heart, though I do not know what to say to make a smile beautiful twilight, but certainly your narrative stanzas able vibrate my body and soul is dry, I can not carve a row of beautiful words but ..... i receive you be my boy friend.
Bobby is busy beautifying his favorite motorcycle, being beside bordering hp bertyanda incoming sms she reaches, there is a hint of a smile as he read the last message, a short sentence but was able to make his prasa'an drift.

Their love journey slama one more year run in tututpi harmonis.namun can not be a sense of optimism that smakin iza thinning, his kesetia'an increasingly hidden, bobby do not understand it, romeo presence in the midst of relationship they who made his relationship increasingly tenuous, away for no reason, until finally had bobby iza Let go against him lain.kini sacred promises were spoken both Wherever vanished replaced the thunderous roar of lightning, accompanied kenyata'an bobby bitter experience.
"You know iza relationship with bob romeo?" Ask dela on his best friend's lover
"I already knew began to change when iza ma me" he said with a tone of languid
"Who patiently yes bob" dela shed pd spirit bobby conditions are getting desperate
"I've been patiently del, but ... my patience has its limits, I'm not an angel del, who the guy is not hurt if his girlfriend knitting love with another guy, especially his classmates, ill del when I see happy smiling romeo above penderita'anku . "he said plaintively without passion.
"Akyu sure he will come back and realize that you're his soul mate, perhaps he was a mistake!"
"I do not know a mistake or not he did it, but I certainly could not replace him with another girl, because she Wherever enthroned in my heart."
"Keep your love bobby, rest assured sesuatua right at his beautiful"
"I hope so, thanks on your support"
"The twilight colors as gracefully greets, live intercepted in season, you are Wherever you pulverize this heart but also that her crush, since I felt I did not think there iza I decided not to bother her again, but until whenever I would still love izaku
"Nad, bobby why not been here ea?" Ask iza on dela
"What are you doing he asked again, its not you that made you go in this town" he explained
"What do you mean?" Iza was not understood
"You do not realize what you've done over bobby" dela smakin voice rising,
Iza had never heard of such a temper, but he had understood before dela explained.
"You do not ever know the truth, why do I get close to romeo, because our closeness and bobby you think that I love her, that's all wrong del., Ma I just pity him, he needs more attention because illness which he suffered" more details on dela in irngi with tears, hugging delapun iza that continues to sob, dela never know what really happened, but, he continued to blame iza.
"I do not want to miss bobby, I'm very fond of her, now I continue to do?" Said iza that still exist in the arms dela.
"Now where is he?"
"Maybe, now he was at the airport, he said he wanted to continue his study in Singapore," after hearing the information from dela, izapun rushed taxi ride to the airport, arriving at the airport when he ran for kberada'an bobby, he looks tired without tyemu no definite point, really sorry when he saw the plane landed Wherever bobby riding took him to Singapore, iza shouted bobby who had gone away from her side, now all a distant memory in deep sorrow wound



BY: Akhmad Fakih 

On a sunny morning, when the sun rises in the west are putting out its reddish color
I gasped as the alarm clock beside me reads ".... tring ..... tring tring ..."
"Uh whispered" I complained
I take an alarm clock that is on my side, dank u put under the pillow, I fell asleep in the back tidur.tapi iba-arriving sound startled me kak reo
"Dila, fast wake up, wake up his girl really really mumet" he shouted as he opened my bedroom draperies
"Kak glare, do not open it hordennya" I said with a throaty
"So wake up 'ka' reo trying to wake
"I'm still sleepy" I said a little sayword
I do not hirauklan words, difficult lot to me because my eyes open
"Just look at berfapa now" she pleaded
I've achieved what I put the alarm clock earlier, I gasped as my little alarm clock shows 07:30
"Gee I could be late kak"
"Who told her mumet really wake up"
Shortly after all neat, I approached the foot ledge unlettered, abi rio danb kak, who was breakfast.ku kissed his hand one by one
"All of them,,,, dila departed yes"
"Do not want breakfast first dil" Tanya abi
"Not bi, afraid to be late, assalamualaikum"
"Waalaikum greetings" he replied in unison "
Dila ... syafitry, that's my name, the name of the graceful, but at school I was known tomboyish girl
Itsss do it wrong once but even though I was a tomboy but a girl who has a heart tyang akumasih soft, I'm stepping 18 years, I SMAN1 education at this school, I was a teenager who has a strong establishment, tuk grasping something, I often used people in school
Ciehhh ...... This fact is not engineering, I hasten to class, until I realized there was no thank heavens someone before me, until I accidentally bumped my
"Uppsala,,,, sorry, I accidentally," restless account what should I do
"Tp, there are Cideng not it?"
"Lighten up, I do not pa what" he said relaxing without any anger on his face
"Thank God that so" I help him beresi books that I accidentally drop it
"Makasi" he said, after I gave the book
He was living alone in the classroom to the
"Thank God not too late," I rubbed my chest with the accompaniment of gratitude
I have not had time off tired, sir sharul at the door with a guy, I look at him with curiosity, because it seems like I've seen, just our mutual eye contact.
"Gee, he's a guy that I hit khan earlier, so she new students here" whispered my little heart
I switch the view to the other direction, sir syahrulpun introduce its origin, until you hear back in the lineup ask questions
"I should nanya'ga 'reza" said defense with accent
"Of course" he said simply 
"You've got a girl pa dah tah yet?"
"..... Hu hu ....," shouts the class friend while defending a beautiful girl ask pertanya'an absurd
Reza merespond with a charming smile, he felt no need to answer, sir Syahrul to invite him sitting in the empty seat right next to me
Year he reza inclusion in school until we SMAN1 the tough friendship tie was like a magnet Decided, we always pour a happy story exchanging opinions and grief, as the rotation time I think there's something odd about her, his gaze did not feel like the old, strangely every I always find the bouquet of roses without the sender's name until I decided tuk menyeliki mysterious person behind all of that, but the next day I undo my intentions as a piece of paper tucked in my paperback book
"What it is?" With a sense of shakes me ask myself I read the letter

Will belong dila
Light of my life
Dila I'm sure you're asking who the mysterious person Brani I give a rose that
All because of destiny Wherever dragged me into the valley love
Until I fell in it, quiet, dark what I think
I've been trying to get out because I'm old enough to understand the risks I face, but apparently to no avail
It's too deep my tuk ride
I try penderita'an me, then whisper to you my experience today
I hope you can treat me a sense of loneliness that clogs
But if you can hear it possible Tauk I can not do anything with keada'anku
Will you think about it
When I look at the letter written clearly reza name my best friend, I never really thought that he was saving sense to me, the recognition that I never wanted to listen to was 2 days I was always absent cranky without a friend in the room
"Now off dil" Tanya's brother in the doorway, while I slept tengkurep memelik doll just shut off without a word spoken rio kak came over and sat beside me
"You g 'has a problem dil"
"Ga" I had my bohongkan not want to be a parasite without being dependent
"You would not like it if you do not have a problem, already 2 days you do not go to school, the brothers knew where dila, dila a cheerful, carefree whiny and what's not true with dil ye?"
"I do not understand not what's up brother!"
I leave her sister alone pertanya'an me furious to be near her, I sat at home watching amperan berkemudi some people start masing2 activity that unlike the case with me just staring kekosngan heart with the spirit of friendship that almost faded Kepong-pong like a caterpillar changing into butterfly, friendship like Kepong-pong lantuman ringtone hpku reads incoming messages marked my open turns reza
Was I wrong when the love? Egoiskah I expressed a sense that many years locked in my heart? Know my love is the most beautiful gift of happiness that can not be traveled by distance and time even love sitting on the highest throne in the subject of a bond but, I do not want to have love on the basis of keterpaksa'an
I'm sorry I disappoint you after a while tlah
A moment later I heard tapping on the door outside the room while calling my name dank u memorize the tone of his voice he was rio kak, kak she iyyya rio
"Open the door there reza dil tu outside she want to see you"
"Tell indifferent wrote him home"

"You want abi angry because your behavior is not the same polite guest" now I do not hear again the voice of kak rio from behind the door, maybe she's already tired of hearing my rebuttal berajak of my bed just heed perkata'an tuk tuk rio kak reza thinks that come as receiving guests
"You're going to do here?"
"I'm here because I want to apologize to you ma!"
"I've forgiven you before you're sorry" he replied indifferently
"I understand why you can not accept your dil, I understand it, if the friendship could be with me, pull all the strands of love I've ever express to you, because I do not want you much avoiding me, pa taka you think of me as a friend as long as I can see you smile, could hear the outpouring of my heart because it was unhappy with
"I'm sorry too za, I like this so that you realize that is not always the eternal girlfriend, is not always beautiful, but the best friend that dimension exceeds all"
The gem is now back flap freshness menyatusayap2nya angels have washed the wound was left out by his